How Drinking Mindfully Can Help You Love Your Drinks

How Drinking Mindfully Can Help You Love Your Drinks

5 minute read

Sometimes it seems like there’s not a lot of nuance in the way people think about alcohol. Booze is seen either as a necessary social lubricant to let loose and have a great time or an evil to abstain from when taken too far. But what about a position somewhere in the middle? Let us introduce you to mindful drinking.

Mindful drinking is a philosophy that’s been gaining a following in the past few years thanks in part to the popularity of Dry January and the increasing number of sober-curious people out there—people who are interested in the idea of cutting back on their drinking, but not ready to quit cold turkey. In between mindless, heavy drinking and being entirely sober lies another possibility: scaling back to enjoy every drink thoughtfully and intentionally.

That means not overpouring your pinot noir to cope with a bad day. It might mean not taking a fourth shot just because the table is getting another round. In mindful drinking, you should pause before every alcoholic drink and check in with yourself. Why do you want this drink? How will it make you feel right now? How about tomorrow? Are you really going to appreciate and savor it, or are you just drinking because it seems like the thing to do in the moment?

There are many reasons why mindful drinking might benefit you. It can help you create long-lasting memories with your friends without the hazy cloud of drunkenness. It can improve your health and make you feel better. It can be a way for you to actually love your drinks more by appreciating their nuances and flavors instead of quickly draining your glass dry.

We’re booze lovers through and through, and we love how mindful drinking can turn happy hour into a moment to truly appreciate the drink you’re sipping. Rather than just ordering another mediocre Marg, it’s about intentionally choosing which drinks will bring you real joy and when to have them. For us, that means finding joyful moments to share unique, nuanced flavors with the people we love.

So how can you get started with mindful drinking? The good news is it’s not all or nothing! You can work your way in slowly, incorporating a little bit of these philosophies into your own life until you find a balance that feels happy and healthy. Here are some mindful drinking techniques to try:

1. Check in with yourself before each drink

Whenever you reach for a bottle or someone offers you a drink at a party, pause for a moment of reflection. Is this really a drink you want? Are you craving those flavors? Are you happy with the amount you’ve had to drink so far or do you want more? Would you be just as happy with a non-alcoholic beverage instead? If you decide you do want that drink, great! You’ll enjoy it even more knowing it’s exactly what you’re in the mood for.

2. Don’t be afraid to talk about it

If you’re a regular at your local bar or your friends’ weekly happy hour, it might surprise people when you turn down a drink. Think ahead about what you want to say in that moment to avoid any self-consciousness! A quick “I think I’ve had enough for tonight, but thank you!” or “Nah, I’ll just have a seltzer this round” can keep things simple—and you might be surprised to find that some of your friends will follow suit when they remember that’s an option.

3. Plan alternatives to booze

When you feel like alcohol is your only option, it can be tough to choose something else. Have a plan for what your favorite non-alcoholic options are at the bar or make sure your happy hour plans have booze-free options so you still have something delicious to drink. If you’re worried about the options at a friend’s party, bring a bottle or two of juice, nice soda, or your favorite non-alcoholic drink as an offering for the host that will also help you and any other guests looking for an option other than tequila and water.

4. Pace yourself

It can be easy to shed your inhibitions and drink more than you intend when you’re already a few drinks in. Instead of downing drinks at the start of the night like you’re pregaming a college party, sloooooow down your consumption so you can consciously enjoy yourself all night long. Consider having a non-alcoholic drink between each boozy one, ordering half-strength drinks, or setting a limit for how many drinks you want to have before you go out.

5. Skip emotional drinking

It’s all too easy to turn to alcohol as a pick-me-up for your bad days (color us guilty of that one), but in our experience, it’s not the booze that really helps. Instead of downing shots at the bar after a rough day of work, spend time with your happy hour crew that makes you feel better. When you just want to crash and cry at a sad movie, get your tears out and wait to pour the wine until you’re feeling more balanced. This will help you actually process your emotions and not use alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Mindful drinking is a journey and your relationship with alcohol may change over time just as your goals and favorite drinks change. What’s important is that you feel happy, in control, and you really savor every drink you choose to have. Join us on our journey to make more delicious and thoughtful drinks this year—we’re in this together, friends!

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